Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting Dumb and Dumber....

It sure can be lonely sometimes being the odd one out among the dumbed-down, brain-dead masses. (Someone call a Waaaaa-mbulance...) There is one remedy though which I can recommend, and that's the Truth Movement.

If you are craving a conversation with someone whose eyes don't glaze over the minute you try to steer the topic away from - who's sleeping with who in Baywatch - to what's happening in the world right now, then check it out.

This video talks about one way in which Americans have been dumbed down, particularly by television.

This assault on our intelligence and capacity for conscious awareness and independent thought is occurring on a pretty wide front.

Other means being used to dull our minds and ability to use critical thinking include: fluoride in our water; chemically grown food that has very little nutrition or life force in it ("dead food"); food additives such as aspartame, msg, etc; chemicals from aerosol sprays (chemtrails); subliminal messages on TV; and aerial mind control.

Do a little research and find out for yourself.