Saturday, July 2, 2011

Australian "Private Property" Rights Under Threat - Your Help Needed NOW Please

There are many high and supreme court decisions (e.g. Dillon V Plenty HCA5 1992) that set lawful precedents upholding your right to say who[b] is[/b] and [b]is not[/b] allowed on YOUR property in Australia. If you have a visible sign on your gate and next to your gate (in case it is open) that says something like:

No Trespass
This is PRIVATE PROPERTY owned under a Grant in Fee Simple Title.
To all persons and entities entering this property without the permission of the land owners,
admittance is by invitation only or Trespass Applies.

NO ONE is allowed to enter your property, or even photograph it, without your express permission or invitation - even police.

However, a lowly district magistrate in NSW has recently ruled that this law no longer applies to the property of a landowner who happens to be a prominent campaigner for farmer's property rights. To overturn this unlawful decision, an appeal must be made to the High Court. Details of the case, which involved Local Government, are available here.

However, the High Court will no longer accept appeals unless they satisfy these criteria:

1. there is a genuine question of Public Importance
2. where the interests of Justice require it

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED to establish these criteria. How? Very easy....

Just copy the letter below, add your contact details and signature, and post it [b]by 10 July[/b] to Sue & Lindsay Maynes “Berkeley” Woodstock NSW 2793

ALSO the Maynes have prepared an exhaustive review of Trespassing law in Australia and have made it available to us here. It includes important tips on YOUR rights, No Trespass signage, and what to do if it is violated.
Please use it and consider a $1 donation to support Sue and Lindsay in the High Court.

Bank transfer details: Sue & Lindsay Maynes, St George bank. BSB: 112879, Account Number: 056751444

Request to sign, add your contact details to, and send URGENTLY to Sue and Lindsay:

I would like to be included as asking that the High Court allow Special
Leave to Appeal on the decision of Judge Sidis of the District Court and
the Supreme Court of Appeals in the matter of Maynes vs Casey. I
believe this matter is of public importance to every private land-owner &
renter, every private home-owner & renter and every business owner and
renter. I believe that justice in this case, has not been served.

I have a No Trespass sign on the boundary of my land / home /
business and wish to know whether that sign defends me or is of no legal

I wish to know whether the Inclosed Lands Act NSW 1901 is still law
and available to the owners of private land / homes / businesses as
protection against a trespasser in the event they ask a trespasser to leave.

I wish to know whether the lower courts are superior to the High
Court and can make decisions outside of the High Court rulings as Judge
Sidis from the District Court appears to have done in this case.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

How to Connect with Your Neighbours

These are interesting times indeed, and if you are going along thinking everything will stay pretty much the same then you're simply not looking! Human experience shows that having connections with others in your community makes the difference between basic survival and living a good life.. Trouble is, our ability to do this has gone pretty rusty over the last couple of generations.

Here are some simple but very useful tips on how to get those connections happening.... Don't leave it any longer to get started. And as always, stock up on food and essentials, learn to grow your own and don't expect anyone else to look after you if and when the s*$# hits the fan. This is about interdependence, not dependence.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is There a Downside to Being a Locavore ie. Eating Only Local Produce?

By guest blogger, Robert Bradford

There's good reasons to go Locavore and strive to eat only locally grown food.

For a start, most agribusiness foods are polluted with petrochemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and pesticides. Compared to large agribusinesses, some small local growers, with their greater attention to detail, may produce food that is less contaminated or totally organic and so better for you.

Also, transport of non local foods require:

1) extra fuel that our country(s) can no longer afford,
2) picking food stuffs green, and maybe even,
3) GMO and/or,
4) irradiation to increase shelf life.

Since most big farmers follow the "NPK" mentality, and farm the soil unsustainably, the food they produce is most likely almost void of minerals. I had a soil test from my master gardener training days but it tested for very few minerals and is therefore useless.

The only reason I can think of not to become a 100% locavore is that most unamended soils in any locality are deficient in the same minerals. Minerals are more than important, they are VITAL to plant, animal and human life. Just ask my Vet or my Doctor.

What is the answer, kelp, sea salt, supplements?


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Latest On Elenin - 22 May 2011

Here's a thoughtful and careful review of what we know so far about Elenin/Nubiru.... and according to the evidence, it seems that Elenin must be a dwarf star. An explanation is also given as to why it cannot be seen by amateur astronomers...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Waking Up from the Strawman Illusion

The video below is the first in a series featuring an interview with Mary Croft on Red Ice Radio on how to wake up from the strawman illusion that keeps us all slaves. Watch the whole series - it's well worth the time.

Mary has also written a book "How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known To Man" that is available to download free as a pdf here (and also from my free ebooks page). She regularly updates her understanding of the law and our natural rights on her blog Spiritual Economics Now.

Here's an excerpt from the book:

"Remember the bumper sticker, ‘QUESTION AUTHORITY’. Everyone said it yet no one did anything about it. I did; I recognized it. I had known from a very young age that I, and none other, was my own and only authority....

We have been conned into playing an insidious game which is destroying our lives, our futures, our fellowship, our spirituality, and our true natures how to become free, stop identifying with their false beliefs, do what they want to do (instead of ‘working for a living’), and live in joy which is what we are designed to do."

And if you'd like a short, summarized introduction to the strawman illusion this little video is a good one:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jay Weidner: 2012 Survival and Beyond

An interview with Jay Weidner that covers the big picture of where we are now, where we are headed, and what we need to do to make it through these tough times. Jay calls on men to follow the courage and intuition of their women and step up to the plate and protect their families.

He calls on the baby boomer generation to be the elders we never had when we were young, and help guide the youth.

And he outlines the things that we should be doing as individuals and communities to increase our ability to survive: governments and corporations are not going to "save us" - our best chance lies in taking responsability for ourselves and Peaceful non-cooperation with the powers that be....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Nobody Can Trust The Mainstream Media

Do you have faith that your news provider is reporting the truth?

Always covering every side of the story? Never biased?

Is your mainstream media source run by individuals with absolutely no conflict of interest?

Who owns the company, that owns the company, that owns the TV or radio station?

Is there a group of people who dominate the supply of information? Do you think you will hear the truth about their ambitions and activities?

If the channel boss tells his reporter to spin a story in a certain direction, which do you think the reporter values more; his income necessary to live, or the unvarnished truth?

There is a Russian proverb: Где дéньги говоря́т, там прáвда молчи́т.

"Where money talks, the truth is silent."